Klaus-Martin Gareis is an autodidactic photographer. In 2004 he started experimenting with analogue equipment and development procedures and over the years created his own work process including oil colour to create unique photographic works.
Since 2013 he uses ALPA equipment. The current works displayed on his web page, as well the upcoming exhibition at Photobastei have been made with ALPA.
- Art Study at F+F Schule für Kunst- und Mediendesign till 2013
- Joined the Gruppe Autodidaktischer Fotografen GAF 4.12.zh in 2012
Based on a complicated and tedious development process, each image is unique and is followed by a toning or coloring with oil paint. All images are black and white and printed on very old AGFA Baryt photo paper. The online images are reproductions of such finished prints.