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Art Exhibitions

Kostas Maros wins Swiss Photo Award 2024


Congratulations, Kostas Maros for winning Swiss Photo Award 2024 with your project "Human Nature". Kostas Maros realized the project with his ALPA camera system.

August 24, 2024
Kostas Maros wins Swiss Photo Award 2024
Art Exhibitions

Congratulations to ALPA photographer Kostas Maros! Winner of the Swiss Photo Awards 2024 for his body of work 'Human Nature'.

Human Nature © Kostas Maros
Human Nature © Kostas Maros
Human Nature © Kostas Maros
Human Nature © Kostas Maros
IPFO SWiSS PHOTO AWARD 2024 goes to Kostas Maros!

The works will be exhibited at ,Haus der Fotografie' in Olten with around other 50 works of great photographers over the course of a month (23.08.24-29.09.24).

Find out more about Kostas Maros: